A Walk is a Good Thing??

I slept really well last night. It was a bit lighter when I got up. I went right outside and went potty, and of course my bed was dry. For whatever reason my family seems to be really impressed with this--I never knew it was such a feat. But of course, I

Today I went for something called a 'walk' with my mom. She was all excited like it was supposed to be a good thing, but I just don't know...I thought it was pretty darn scary. All of those big things zooming by making lots of noise! And all of these new smells...it's a bit overwhelming. I tried to make my mom happy and walk a bit, but after a while I just sat right down and cried until she carried me the rest of the way. I know, kind of whimpy of me, but maybe I'll get used to it? We also visited some people--a woman named Darcie and her two little people. Mmmm, did they smell good! That made the trip worth it! I have a feeling I'll have to do that again soon....
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