Yesterday I went for a visit with my mom over to her friend Stephanie's house. She told me there was a dog named 'Sigmund' there she wanted me to meet. I couldn't wait! I love meeting new dog friends! Well, I have to say it was a bit frustrating because to put it bluntly, he wanted nothing to do with me. Try as I might, I couldn't get him to play! Oh don't get me wrong, he was a very nice older gentleman, but he just couldn't be bothered to get frisky. I pulled out all the stops--giving him my play bow, barking and even whining practically the whole time I was

there...didn't work. Ah well, no one can say I didn't try. I have to say though, that Sigs has to be the luckiest dog in the world...check out that food dish! Whoa! I wanted to get me some of that action, but for some

reason after I discovered the bowl o' plenty they closed the door to this room so I couldn't get back in. Bummer! I never have food in my dish. Well, I do, but only a couple of times each day and it's gone in about a minute. What does a dog have to do to get a big dish like that that is always full of food?! Sigmund must be a celebrity....!
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