Happy New Year?
I don't know what that means, but everyone around here is saying it. Seems like it has something to do with a new beginning. Hmmmm. All I know is that this day feels the same as yesterday. I got up around 7:00, I peed and pooped outside, I came in and I ate. But hey, if it makes those humans happy, what do I care?? I don't know if this has anything to do with this 'new year' thing, but I did get a new bed yesterday and I'm loving it!

Any new year's resolutions? Well, I guess maybe I'll try not to pee in the house so much this year. I am getting better, for sure. I can go a week or so without an accident, but then sometimes I get to playing and I get so excited that before I know it I've squatted and did a little tinkle. I don't think it makes my family very happy--when this happens I hear a loud 'NO!" and immediately get whisked outside. I'm not quite sure why they take me out after I've already peed...I mean, sheesh, the damage is done! But since they don't really like it I suppose I should try to control myself. Most of the time I do ring that bell by the back door, and they do seem pretty impressed by this. But of course! But I'll really try not to pee in my new bed.

Any new year's resolutions? Well, I guess maybe I'll try not to pee in the house so much this year. I am getting better, for sure. I can go a week or so without an accident, but then sometimes I get to playing and I get so excited that before I know it I've squatted and did a little tinkle. I don't think it makes my family very happy--when this happens I hear a loud 'NO!" and immediately get whisked outside. I'm not quite sure why they take me out after I've already peed...I mean, sheesh, the damage is done! But since they don't really like it I suppose I should try to control myself. Most of the time I do ring that bell by the back door, and they do seem pretty impressed by this. But of course! But I'll really try not to pee in my new bed.
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