Man, my family has been so busy lately with this thing called 'Christmas'. I've seen a bit too much of my little house lately and frankly, it's getting a bit annoying. At least my mom does take me along sometimes on some of her many errands. I'm getting better at riding along in Phat Thunder. I still have to whine a bit to make sure she feels good and sorry for me, but it's not so bad. I think it will be better when I'm actually big enough to sit up and see out the window.
One place Mom took me to recently was another play hour at the place I take
my class! I got to play with Charlie again, he is a blast. When Mom let me loose in the room I sought him out right away and we played and played. I even overheard my

Mom saying to Charlie's mom that maybe we could play over 'break', whatever break is. I don't know what she's talking about, I haven't broken anything! Whenever I knock over a Nutcracker or take one of Sullivan's cars, I'm very gentle. But whatever, I suppose I'll forgive her if it means Charlie and I get to play again! Yeah!

So hopefully this Christmas thing will be over with soon. Although it is kind of fun to have a tree in the house. And I did get a cool new toy from that nice Lisa lady, I think that was something called A Christmas Present. The family has also been a-buzz about someone named 'Cousin Ann', who is coming today for the holiday. She must be really nice since they are so excited....can't wait to get a Cousin Ann scratch!