Digby's Dailies

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Digs at Sigs' Digs

Yesterday I went for a visit with my mom over to her friend Stephanie's house. She told me there was a dog named 'Sigmund' there she wanted me to meet. I couldn't wait! I love meeting new dog friends! Well, I have to say it was a bit frustrating because to put it bluntly, he wanted nothing to do with me. Try as I might, I couldn't get him to play! Oh don't get me wrong, he was a very nice older gentleman, but he just couldn't be bothered to get frisky. I pulled out all the stops--giving him my play bow, barking and even whining practically the whole time I was there...didn't work. Ah well, no one can say I didn't try. I have to say though, that Sigs has to be the luckiest dog in the world...check out that food dish! Whoa! I wanted to get me some of that action, but for some reason after I discovered the bowl o' plenty they closed the door to this room so I couldn't get back in. Bummer! I never have food in my dish. Well, I do, but only a couple of times each day and it's gone in about a minute. What does a dog have to do to get a big dish like that that is always full of food?! Sigmund must be a celebrity....!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Socialization--(whatever that means!)

Yup, that's me up there. That's me playing with this cool guy named Charlie. We met at puppy play group, it's at the same place my mom takes me for my weekly classes. Mom says it's good for me to get out and get some 'socialization'. I don't know what that big word means, but I'm guessing it means being around other dogs and people whether I like it or not! I guess most of the time it's pretty good thing.

I have to admit, for the first hour I pretty much stayed under the chairs again. There were so many dogs there, wild and crazy dogs. A few tried to lure me out, but once again I stayed put. Check out this dog! She was one big lady. (and I mean that in the nicest of ways.) She actually seemed pretty nice, but just her sheer size alone was enough to keep me hiding. Then I heard Mom say something about staying a bit longer to try the 'featherweight' group--I don't know what that means, but all of a sudden the bigger crazy dogs left and smaller dogs came in. Oh, some of them were still pretty rowdy, but then I met Charlie and decided he was pretty safe to play with. I think I heard my mom say something about meeting him next week again--yay! It's fun to have someone to play with.