Well hello everyone, I'm back at home now! I had such a great time over at Nancy's house while the Family was gone on their trip. I guess I'll forgive them for leaving me behind...! Nancy and her husband Tim were sooo nice to me--even if he did call me Dingbat--and I LOVED playing with my doggie and kitty friends! Of course it's good to be home though. I was so excited to see Mom when she came to get me! Mom says I look so much bigger to her after not seeing me for a whole week. I'm losing more teeth, too...I think one of my big lower canine's is somewhere in Nancy's house! A token to remember me by...!
Man, is it cold out today or what?! When I go out to go potty I can barely stand still to squat...I have to keep lifting me feet off of the cold cold snow. It doesn't stop me from wanting to be out, though. I'll just sit on the patio and chew a stick, frozen tundra or no. My abundance of fur keeps me pretty warm! Too bad the Family doesn't want to hang out with me out there, I'm pretty much on my own. I guess their coats don't work as well as mine.